Gujarat Legislative Assembly Elections 2017
Idealantis and People's Pulse have launched Datalantis Pulse, which aims to accurately predict the Election results for Gujarat Legislative Assembly Elections 2017 far ahead of time using a crowd sourced model.
Datalantis Pulse is an aggregation platform that collects predictions from the 'crowd' and returns a forecast.This is more engaging than Surveys or Opinion polls. It enables the participant to revise his opinions in real time based on changing ground realities.

Here's how Datalantis Pulse works:

Browse Questions
Look at the predictions of others and see where you have an opinion.

Make a Prediction
Add your own predictions and change the crowd consensus.

Update your Predictions
When you get new information or change your opinion, update your prediction.

Were you Right?
When the answer is known, see how well you did. If your prediction was way off, why? Learn from this experience and keep getting better.
Expert Tip!
Update your prediction often to reflect your latest thinking and information available to you.
Updating your forecasts often ensures you stay up to date with the rest of the crowd. To make this even easier for you we have a mobile app you can download so making a forecast from anywhere is just plan easy!